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CAinCA's 2023 Tremor

I got mine from LUDesignsNY on Etsy. They are vinyl and not raised.
How do you like the vinyl decals? Ones I had on my F-150 Sport were raised and I really liked then. Do they look like a flat, thin sticker?
Personally I like them. I think they look like factory accessories. The orange matches the factory decals really well. I’m not a big fan of the raised letters though.
Personally I like them. I think they look like factory accessories. The orange matches the factory decals really well. I’m not a big fan of the raised letters though.
Are they thicker vinyl letters? No issues getting the air bubbles out?
Are they thicker vinyl letters? No issues getting the air bubbles out?
Just standard 3M vinyl. I used soapy water to apply them and they came out great.
We just got back from a 5 day/1000 mile road trip. We just passed 4,000 miles on the truck on the way home. Honestly, this is the most comfortable vehicle I've ever owned. Usually I get uncomfortable after a couple hours in the driver's seat, but in the Tremor I can comfortably do 3-4 hours and not be stiff when we get out of the truck.

My only complaint so far is that the rear end feels unsettled over bumpy sections. It feels like the rear shocks don't provide enough damping. I might look into a shock upgrade for the rear.
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I ordered a set of Bilstein 5100s for the rear (33-318950 for 0-2" lifts). Hopefully they will settle the rear end down. I'll report back once I get them installed.
I did those for the front and they leveled me perfect. Also better ride in my opinion, truck is more planted in corners etc. Have yet to test it offraod.
I received the Bilstein 5100s (33-318950 for 0-2" lifts) on Friday afternoon. It took me about 20-30 minutes to install them. FWIW: I didn't jack up the truck or put it on blocks/ramps. I used a tie down strap to hold them at the correct length (about 1" longer than they came in the box).

On Friday night we took the truck for a 30 mile drive on paved but bumpy back roads and I could instantly feel a difference. Then over the weekend we took a 270 mile round trip mostly on highways but some bumpier back roads too. Overall it seems better. The back end doesn't have that 60's Cadillac underdamped feel anymore. I can feel the little bumps and imperfections more though. The ride feels a lot like our 2018 Explorer Platinum (firmer than a stock Tremor). The truck seemed to be easier to drive and never got the feeling that the back end was going to step out.

For my use (mostly highway, some mild off road, Soft-Roadish) I think the Bilsteins get the job done and are a cost effective solution.

I'd be really interested in trying a set of progressive shocks like the Fox 2.0 if they made them. Unfortunately I think the cheapest progressives that would fit are $800 a pair. I'm not that interested. ;)

Cross posted to: Tremor Rear Shock Options
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I installed a Cargo Ease Hybrid Truck Slide a couple months ago. After using it I've noticed a couple things that have been triggering my OCD. First, the screws they used to attach the metal trim to the bed material stick up and catch on everything that you slide into the bed (like the bottom of my cooler). The other thing is that the surface isn't as "non-slip" as I would expect. I usually have a cooler and a couple large plastic tubs in the bed when we go on trips and they just slide all over.

Today I replaced all of the rounded head self tapping screws with countersunk flat head screws. I also installed 1/8" diamond plate rubber flooring that I found on Amazon with several large strips of double sided tape. Hopefully that will keep things from sliding around


I I used a tie down strap to hold them at the correct length (about 1" longer than they came in the box).

Can you walk me through how you used the tie downs? I have a set or rear shocks ready to go on but can't figure out how to hold them compressed while installing without it interfering with the bolt holes and/or mounts.
I bought a ForScan cable and loaded up the software. I enabled cameras at speed, digital temperatures, and Glare Free lighting. They all seemed to program correctly. Glare Free Lighting is awesome.
do you have the spreadsheet to the changes you made, I've been looking and can't find them
I used a pull tight 1" tie down strap to make a loop around the shock. I compressed the shock until it was a little shorter that I wanted and pulled the strap tight. The straps will stretch a little under tension. After I installed the shocks I just released the buckle.

Lashing strap.webp
Thanks for the reply, but that link only shows the modules not what values to change
Go to the bottom and click on the "Common" tab. That page shows the module, address, and bits to change along with notes on how to use them.
Go to the bottom and click on the "Common" tab. That page shows the module, address, and bits to change along with notes on how to use them.
Thanks got it!!!
I had been mostly happy with the ride of the Bilstein 5100s in the rear. They control the ride much better than the stock shocks, but you can feel small bumps a lot more than the stock shocks. Then GKTremor posted a thread about the stock SVT Raptor shocks here:
Installed: SVT (Gen 1) Raptor Rear Shocks on Tremor

I kept thinking about this for about two months and finally placed an order a couple weeks ago.

First impression. Wow! They're huge compared to the stock shocks.
Second impression. Wow! They have a TON of preload.

I can easily compress the stock shocks with one hand. I need two hands and moderate pressure to compress the Bilsteins. I had to use all of my 240lbs to compress these FOX shocks. I agree with BroncoNonOwner's comment above about needing a ratchet strap to compress them during installation.

I'm guessing they will add about an inch to the rear ride height. I'll measure my truck before and after I install them.

They are quite a bit beefier than the stock shocks:

Day 1: My impressions after a short test drive on the street with some sections of rough pavement. Compared the the Bilstein 5100s they ride smoother. I don't feel every little bump in the road now. They seem to have a little more body roll but it's not bad. These are in a completely different league compared to the stock shocks. Much smoother and less body roll.

I took a ride up a dirt back road that has a some washboard and deep potholes. These shocks definitely absorbed the bumps and ruts better than either the stock or Bilstein shocks.

Day 5: I put a couple hundred miles on these shocks over the last few days including about 30 miles of dirt roads. I'm really happy with them. This is how I expected the truck to ride when I bought it.

Now the front feels underdamped compared to the rear. Every once in a while I hit some washboard and I can feel the front tires bouncing. Moar rebound control please.
There's a little more rake and it's bugging me (38.5"F - 41.75"R).

I'd really like to install the FOX 2.0 snap ring struts with about 1.5"-2" of level next.
I had been mostly happy with the ride of the Bilstein 5100s in the rear. They control the ride much better than the stock shocks, but you can feel small bumps a lot more than the stock shocks. Then GKTremor posted a thread about the stock SVT Raptor shocks here:
Installed: SVT (Gen 1) Raptor Rear Shocks on Tremor

I kept thinking about this for about two months and finally placed an order a couple weeks ago.

First impression. Wow! They're huge compared to the stock shocks.
Second impression. Wow! They have a TON of preload.

I can easily compress the stock shocks with one hand. I need two hands and moderate pressure to compress the Bilsteins. I had to use all of my 240lbs to compress these FOX shocks. I agree with BroncoNonOwner's comment above about needing a ratchet strap to compress them during installation.

I'm guessing they will add about an inch to the rear ride height. I'll measure my truck before and after I install them.

They are quite a bit beefier than the stock shocks:
View attachment 26120

Day 1: My impressions after a short test drive on the street with some sections of rough pavement. Compared the the Bilstein 5100s they ride smoother. I don't feel every little bump in the road now. They seem to have a little more body roll but it's not bad. These are in a completely different league compared to the stock shocks. Much smoother and less body roll.

I took a ride up a dirt back road that has a some washboard and deep potholes. These shocks definitely absorbed the bumps and ruts better than either the stock or Bilstein shocks.

Day 5: I put a couple hundred miles on these shocks over the last few days including about 30 miles of dirt roads. I'm really happy with them. This is how I expected the truck to ride when I bought it.

Now the front feels underdamped compared to the rear. Every once in a while I hit some washboard and I can feel the front tires bouncing. Moar rebound control please.
There's a little more rake and it's bugging me (38.5"F - 41.75"R).

I'd really like to install the FOX 2.0 snap ring struts with about 1.5"-2" of level next.
Thanks for the write up, looking to do the back shocks soon as I have b8 5100's with the snap rings up front removing rake. So far they are more stiff, truck feels more planted but I haven't tested them off road yet.

Are you driving on any local dirt roads, or somewhere else? Next time I head up to sierras I will get some off-road time on them..
I have a pair of rear 5100's if you want to try them. I'll make you a good deal. ;)

I've taken it up Redwood Retreat Road to Mount Madonna a couple dozen times.
Someone asked me to compare the Bilstein 5100s I have for sale to the FOX SVT shocks. Here's my review:

First off, I Installed the camper shell and bed slide on my truck before I tried either of these shock options out. They add up to about 350lbs in the bed of the truck.

IMHO the stock rear shocks were pretty useless. They were smooth over small bumps but they didn't control motion in either direction very well. I was actually getting motion sickness from the floaty 60's Cadillac feel of the truck when I first bought it. I felt a lot of rear end hop on rough sections of highway too.

The Bilsteins are digressive so they are firmer over small bumps than either the stock shocks or the SVTs. They handle better and CONTROL the ride much than the stock shocks. They were a big improvement off road over stock as they don't bottom out or hop over washboard as easily. I think they are a pretty good deal at $220 a pair. At $150 a pair they are an amazing deal. ;)

The SVT shocks are linear so they don't handle quite as well as the Bilsteins. They soak up bumps much better though. On fire roads they are pretty magical. 🧙‍♂️ They just soak up big hits and washboard. The downside is that they are about $750 a pair.